High Power Laser in MSK – update

  • In the field of high-energy laser therapy, Zimmer MedizinSysteme is one of the pioneers on the market – the first high-power laser was already launched on the market in the 1990s.
    Since that time, we have been working continuously to further develop this form of therapy and the devices – together with experts from research and application. As a result, we set new standards again and again, whether in output and wavelength, in safety during use,or in simplicity of operation.

Your Trainer

Ralf Mühlhäuser, Neu-Ulm, Germany
Current professional activity: PT with a focus on musculoskeletal disorders, DTB trainer, senior clinical expert Zimmer MedizinSysteme
Trainer for: Laser therapy, shockwave therapy, electrotherapy, high-energy induction therapy, diathermy therapy